Monday, May 22, 2006

Give that goat the people's elbow

So, my new favorite website: Freshman Sketch. It's the low video quality version of our freshman sketch for the band movie this year. The first ever screening of said movie was late last night (preceded by liquid picnic-- quite a sight!), and we got hearty applause for our work. The feedback from it so far is that it far and away outdoes '08 (as expected-- we all would have been very sad if it hadn't-- actually, they aren't even in the same league. Hell, the same sport...) And, more to the point, even '07s are telling us that we matched them, even if they won't admit that we outdid them. But we so did. :-) It is really funny.
And commencement was today. It's kind of funny, thinking that all my junior friends are actually my senior friends now, and that my senior friends are actually alums, and won't be here at all in the fall (except for Errol! Thank God for Errol!). I've never been to a football game without Doug. And goodness knows there are so many others who I'm not mentioning by name, but people I wish I knew better, because I know them to be awesome, but I'm not really close enough to them to think that a) we'd get any closer, and b) that we'd ever stay in touch.
On a happier note, I wish them all the best, and I'm pleased because I earned a lot of money today for being an usher. Sweet.
Deadweek is sadly drawing to a close, and now I have the unfortunate experience of watching all my friends leave to go start their summers for real while I hang around here for another whole week. I want to go home! I want to be with my family! I want Chicago! And damn it all, I NEED REAL FOOD!!!!!!
I am going to go shopping tomorrow after moving. I'm going to buy veggies! It's going to be great.
I still have to figure out what I am doing with all my stuff. I have far too much of it, and a lot of it unexpectedly needs to stay here now. Le sigh.
Well, I'm back to band central to hang out for a while.


Anonymous said...

Ummm...have your parents told you of the terrible Chicago/Norwood Park food news? My family was heartbroken last night...

Anonymous said...

Oh shoot. Right. Hi. That's from Caitlin. ::waves::

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!