Wednesday, February 15, 2006


So, it turns out to be rather difficult to study for a midterm wherein you know a lot. Because it is both hard to motivate yourself to study and because when you actually do, it is hard to pick out the new or "problem" material from the background of things you already know, so you don't actually feel like you've accomplished anything. I hate feeling like I haven't accomplished anything.
Also, Valentine's Day. Prof. Kronman got a singing valentine anonymously from someone in the middle of our section today. That was fun. The rest of the class... not so hot. I know a girl who got a heartbreaker in the middle of section. She was unhappy, but it was funny. I went to dinner with JT (everyone else being otherwise engaged), and spent way too long at Commons talking to people. So many people! If I spent as much time on any of my classes as I did in Commons... My GPA would be astonishing.
And, I need to remember to have dinner with Rita. She's good people.
And, John is playing in my bridge tournament on Saturday representing UChicago. I wonder if I'll have to play him. That would be interesting.
Back to work for me...

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