Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ineria and energy. no physics, though.

So, where am I? A fine question.
~asked and answered: I ask questions and then I answer them for myself. I guess J.S. Mill was right all along-- knowledge isn't taught at all. You have to get it for yourself, questions or otherwise. I figured it out after I asked and it wasn't answered that I actually had the answer all along-- it's all just a matter of phrasing. As I said later, and if I do say so, I said it well, "If there was an easy answer, I never would have had to ask." So, I asked, I answered. Where did this get me? Roughly nowhere.
~fundamental problem of mental inetia: what makes things change? Can I predict something that will swing this very ponderous pendulumn one way or the other? Time will swing it towards no, if nothing happens otherwise. Talking about it more is also somewhat likely to swing it toward no. I don't see much that will swing it to yes, but that actually doesn't mean anything in particular. It just isn't the way I think to be able to see it. This I have learned from my own experience.
~am I on a tether? So, one of the problems is this. He says "I don't want to tell you to forget it, move on. I also can't tell you to sit around and wait for me to make up my mind." Ah, yes. Well said. I feel like I am obligated to give it a little time, at this point, since I asked. But on the other hand, what is going to change? and also, what am I really waiting for? I guess the thing is that I am not actually "over him", and I don't know if that should even be a goal. What does that even mean? So if I am waiting for him to make up his mind, what does that mean? I guess I kind of am waiting. It isn't like I have other people to pursue or something. Ugh.
~the worst question ever: so now what? in the long and in the short terms, I am very bothered about this one. In the short term, what now? Do I plan something for this weekend? Should I wait and let him do it? And if he doesn't do it? Then do I? Or then do I still let him come to me? I don't know. Then the long term... if there even is a long term. God knows that I have no idea what that would be about. And just as a note, long term here means a period of weeks, months if you feel like extending it.
~mental energy: damn it all, he just takes up too much of my mental space right now. Either something needs to happen, or something needs to announce that it is not happening. I need my mind back.

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